Our laundry room is a small room that serves double duty as the entrance from the garage. As such, it ends up being the entrance that we use day-to-day (guests still come to the front door of course) so it’s a small room that serves more than one purpose.
Everything about this room is drab, so not the nicest space to be the first thing you see when you arrive home. The paint colour is a lack lustre yellow/mustard colour (the existing colour that was there when we moved in), the cabinets are boring and small and the decor – well, there is none.

As you can see, the room is really small. We store our vacuum there and things such as Chace’s jackets, Linden’s little shoes, the diaper bag, my purse and Belle’s towel and leash all struggle to find a landing zone. Oh, and we can’t forget the laundry!

So, in an attempt to make this need-to-be-funtional space just that, we came up with a plan! Oh, and we might as well make it WAY more aesthetically pleasing while we’re at it right?
Here is the design vision for this space.

Let me break down our plan!
- Update the wall paint colour. The plan is to use the same CIL “Toasted White” paint shade that was used to refresh our powder room and kitchen/family room.
- Keep the existing flush mount light. It’s clean and simple so it works here. It’s similar to this one.
- Build up the cabinets and extend them up to the ceiling. This might be the part I am most excited about. The existing cabinets are boring and insubstantial. (image source)
- Update the cabinet hardware. We are going with these simple black knobs
- Put a full length mirror on the wall. The one seen in the ‘before’ photos on the back of the door above, broke, so a new one for the wall is in order. Since this is the room we leave the house through, it’s great having a mirror in here to give yourself a once-over as you leave. We are going with this one from Ikea.
- Put a shelf under the cabinets. The cabinets are quite high on the wall so a shelf will be a great addition. Little baskets can help corral things like keys and loose change from pockets etc. (image source)
- Some art! Let’s add some personality to this space! The piece in the mood board is this one here.
- New faucet. We are replacing the ugly industrial sink with something way more pleasing, yet still functional for utility use. The faucet we chose has a nice (slightly vintage) laundry room vibe and is the perfect scale here. It’s this faucet from Ikea.
- A new sink. This sink from Wayfair has the look of a porcelain sink, but is acrylic! It’s deep and combined with the heigh of the faucet, easily allows us to get a cleaning bucket into it for cleaning.
- Our existing washer and dryer. Ours is no longer available but it’s very similar to this washer and dryer.
- Tile. We plan to tile the wall behind the washer and dryer up to the ceiling (around the cabinets and window). I chose an amazing 3 x 12 subway tile that has a wonderful organic, slightly wavy finish. It’s very similar to these ones here, here and here.
- Our existing floors. They are a bluey-grey tile that are fine so we’ll keep them!
- A new countertop! We are getting a countertop that extends across the washer/dryer and reaches wall to wall. Good bye lost items behind the dryer! We’ve chosen a laminate (durable and cost effective) and are going with soft grey/white “marble”. The counter will go over the space where the existing utility sink is and the new sink will drop into the counter. We’ll add a cuboard on the bottom portion for even more storage.
SOOOO, that’s the plan! And, guess what? Some of it has already been started and implemented. I’ll be back later this week with a lot of photos and to share our progress and update you on what is still to be done!
Happy Monday. Have a great week!
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