We’ve made some big changes since I last shared the progress on our office/bonus room space .
Mainly this – the addition of a murphy bed!

Back in the Fall
I shared our vision for the large bonus room located on our top floor. Our plan was to transform it into an office/guest room. We also wanted space for a craft table and room to set up a games table if needed.
Here is the mood board from that post.
I’ve posted a few updates of how our double desk is evolving (here and here) and we’ve done a few more things in there too which I will post about soon, BUT back to the murphy bed.
Earlier this week I shared our guest room makeover. We had guests from England staying with us in April and needed two sleeping quarters. So, the murphy bed addition became a priority for the first part of this year.
Here is the room sketch (shared here) that shows our layout plan for the room.
And here is a pic of the room from way back in the early Fall shortly after we moved in. Basically boxes and storage at that point but with a wall ‘bump out’ that had major murphy bed potential. I will pause for a moment to see if you can guess which space I am talking about.
Okay, so now that we have that sorted, we chose our murphy bed. We did a lot of research but kept coming back to styles that Costco sold. All of the reviews were good and the price seemed pretty decent for what was available. After measuring our wall, we decided to go for this configuration.
One of the main reasons we chose this option was that the shelving portion came with a cord/wire grommet. Our main phone jack is on this wall so this allowed us to keep it there and saved the trouble of rerouting it to another location. We liked the idea of the extra storage as well and the open shelving to break up what could be a dense wall of ‘closets’ otherwise. When closed, the bed looks like a large armoire or cabinet and runs along the same wall as our existing double closet in the office.
Of course I was itching to make the shelves look pretty.

I styled them pretty simply using most of what I had on hand.
Does this photo give away the fact that I am short-ish? 5′ 3″ problems Y’all. Look up, way up.
Anywho, The top shelf has some faux grass and little tin pot from Ikea. I used the same one in our guest room. Beside that is a bamboo-ish box that I’ve had for years.
The next shelf holds other items I already had, a green candle, tin pot, pear tea light holder, owl paper weight (which I think is older than I am since I’ve had it for as long as I can remember – seriously, I had it in my childhood. I wonder if my parents even know I have it. I think it’s theirs.) and a photo that I took when we visited England in 2008. Ah, such good memories. This was a pub we stopped to have a drink at after going for a walk through a really cool nature reserve called Burnham Beeches (say that five times fast).
But, I digress.
Looking at the shelves that are more my, um, stature, we have this.

A stack of books topped with a decorative plate/platter…

… and a Wifi sign for guests.

I’ve made this a free printable download if you’d like one as well.

On the bottom shelf we have our phone, another faux
ikea plant and
pot, another little tray and some random green ‘ball’. I have no idea where I got it but I’ve found a surprising number of uses for it. (weird).

There is also another England photo tucked back there. This one was from our lunch stop after touring Windsor Castle. Memoriiiieees…

The hanging sign reads “Dedicated To Life, Liberty, Food, Drink and Other Less Serious Matters”. Amazeballs.
(I added that last word. It was my reaction to the awesomeness).
BUT, I digress again.
The bedding was a birthday present. It is this one
here (Bjornloka from Ikea).
And, like I mentioned in the
guest room post, I like to have fresh towels and a guest basket out to make our visitors feel extra special… and welcome.

I always like to customize the gift basket (versus having just a generic one) for who is staying. I put two waters out if it is more than one person, kids toothpaste and toothbrushes if there are kids etc. It’s the little things that make guests feel like you are really glad they are staying with you (I think).

So, there we are! And how does the bed work? Well, take a peek…
(note: the .gif is absent of guest because apparently having a tripod with a camera on it in the corner of the ‘bedroom’ is frowned upon when entertaining. Ask me how I know.)
I joke. I joke.
Stay in touch and follow along…